Dermatend Reviews: A Solid Skin Tag & Mole Removal Cream?

IMPORTANT UPDATE 2015: According to a FDA Press Release, the manufacturer of Dermatend (Solace International, Inc.) recalled all it’s products due to health concerns and disapproval by the FDA.
Dermatend is no longer available.
If you are looking for a more affordable and safer alternative, click here.
Old Review of Dermatend:
Before we look at some Dermatend reviews, let’s take a closer look at the different types of skin growths that many people across all over the world are troubled with.
Then we will get into the various kinds of treatments available, which range from surgery to various home remedies as well as over-the-counter products.
Finally, we’ll take a look at the product in question, how it works, side effects and more and why you should NOT buy it anymore.
The 3 Most Common Types Of Skin Growths
In an age where beauty and physical perfection are valued highly, many people especially young girls, are being ridiculed and bullied because of skin problems such as unwanted acrochordons, moles and blemishes.
Skin Tags
A skin tag is a small piece of soft hanging skin that may appear in any part of the body, especially areas where skin tend to rub with skin. Common areas for cutaneous tags are the eyelids, axillae or armpits, upper chest, neck, under the breasts and groin. Generally, a skin tag is non-cancerous. However, when repeatedly scratched, it might pose a threat.
Tags and moles look ugly and take their toll on the person’s self-esteem. There are countless cases of people who suffered from depression and low self-esteem because they have skin growths or other diseases like warts. There were those kids who are being bullied in school, young boys and girls being teased and made fun of because of how they look.
It is a sad fact that many people, no matter how good they are, lose their opportunities for work because they were seen as ugly and their appearance scared people away.

Common Skin Issues like Moles, Warts and Skin Tags.
Moles, on the other hand, are growths on the skin that are colored brown or black. They can grow in any part of the body. Most moles appear during the first 30 years of a person’s life. By adulthood, a person gains 10-40 moles. Moles may change as years pass by. They may grow darker due to exposure to sun, during teen years or during pregnancy.
Moles that appear at birth are called Congenital nevi, which occur in about one in every 100 people. This type of mole is more likely to develop into melanoma, or skin cancer, than those moles that appear after birth. Moles that are larger than average and irregular in shape are called Dysplastic nevi. People with Dysplastic nevi have higher chances of developing melanoma.
A wart is a small, rough growth which resembles a cauliflower or a blister. It is caused by a viral infection, especially due to human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many forms of warts and they can occur anywhere including the hands or the face. Most warts are considered harmless and can be treated with solutions like Wartrol.
Clinical Treatments
Getting rid of skin imperfections seemed impossible decades ago. When laser surgery was introduced, it remained inaccessible for many because it is expensive. Even surgery has its risks. Surgeries, when not done expertly can cause the skin tag or mole to worsen and may lead to cancer. It may also leave scars that look just as ugly as the skin tag removed. In short, going under the knife is full of risks and hassle.
One of the oldest techniques in removing tags and moles is called Cryosurgery. In this process, the skin tag is frozen off with the help of liquid nitrogen. However, this process leaves a permanent negative impact on the skin. If an intracellular ice formation occurs, the surrounding skin gets damaged permanently. Cryosurgey is a painful process and leaves an ugly scar.
Another removal method is Ligation. In this process, blood supply is cut off to the infected area. The area is tied with a string and the skin tag falls off. This method requires clinical expertise and shouldn’t be done at home.
Home Remedies
Some people have tried home remedies for skin tags but the results can be mixed with this approach. Trying to remove moles at home using untested ingredients or improper tools may further worsen the problem. Doing it at home also increases risks of infection.
The New Star!?
But nature and science has their own way of solving man’s problems. A new product called Dermatend has been released to the market and claims to free many people from the ugly sight of moles, warts and cutaneous tags, sans the scars and the fearful experience of undergoing surgery, yet it also has quite a few drawbacks. Unfortunately, according to various Dermatend reviews, its healing and enhancing powers have not been proven safe yet by the FDA and also couldn’t be found to be superior than its chemical-based counterparts.
However, this all-natural product contains zinc, distilled water, vegetable glycerin and Sanguinaria Canadensis or bloodroot, a herbaceous flowering plant grown in eastern North America, among other compounds. The effectiveness of these Dermatend ingredients have undergone thorough research and laboratory experiments, which resulted in today’s formula.
The cream comes in handy plastic bottles and exists as Dermatend Original and Ultra. For extreme cases of tags, warts and moles, the Ultra version is highly advised by the manufacturer because apparently it can remove several moles per bottle. However, no further studies or research have been done to actually prove these claims.
How Does Dermatend Work?
According to Dermatend reviews, it’s surprisingly simple. Just prep the blemish, apply the solution, wash and wait! Big or small, flat or round, light or dark, whatever shape and color your skin tag is, the product will go to work. The same procedure applies for the Dermatend mole removal process. The user has to clean the mole first by washing it with water and soap or disinfectant.
Using a pumice stone, the area is scratched gently to open the pores of the mole and allow the cream to penetrate. Apply the cream and put a bandage on it. In 24 hours, a scab forms in the area and will shed off after a few days. Is the process painful? It depends on your skin type, if you are more of the sensitive kind you should be careful.
Remember you need to scratch the blemish gently so as not to make yourself bleed. When applying the cream, one will feel a stinging sensation, much like how you feel when you apply iodine to a wound. The stinging sensation stays only for a couple of minutes and eventually goes away. On the other hand, some customer reviews reported a strong burning sensation that would stay even after several hours. This is one of the many reasons why we recommend Revitol on any occasion.
To fasten the healing process, the healing balm from the same manufacturer is also available. It’s a fragrant and may be used for other sores. Some Dermatend reviews noted that it can even be used as a lip balm. Users are cautioned though, not to remove the scab prematurely. Removing it before it could fully heal may cause skin infection and other skin problems.
Dermatend Reviews: Should You Buy It?
At present, thousands are interested to buy Dermatend because of its recent media hype to solve skin problems. According to some Dermatend reviews, the product remains true to its promise, even for people with extreme cases of skin imperfections. Other reviews, for example those talking about it on Amazon, were not so positive. As stated before, it hasn’t been proven safe yet in any studies so proceed with care.
Should you have already purchased it somewhere, then you can apply it cautiously to your face and other parts of your body as well. There is only one condition being asked from users before trying the product: they are advised to consult a dermatologist to check if the mole they want to remove is not cancerous.
Remember, the removal process of unwanted moles is different for every person. The healing process after the removal is different as well. Users should be prepared for the healing process, especially for people who are prone to scarring. If prone to scarring, users are advised to apply the cream to other parts of their body first. This way, they will be able to decide if they would apply it on their face.
If it is not cancerous, then you might consider ordering the cream and experience firsthand how it works – when product reviews are mixed, it is usually best to just try it yourself and see if it works for you. It can be applied near the eye and in your scalp, but these spots must be dealt with great care to prevent irritation to the eyes or scarring on the scalp. If you are afraid of undergoing surgery, with cuts and stitches or burns that you have to deal with later, try this cream or the better alternative, Revitol Skin Tag Remover.
Side Effects?
So you would ask, are there any Dermatend side effects? The only side effects attributed to the cream currently known are the light spot it leaves in the area where the skin tag used to be, as well as the burning sensation and scarring in certain skin types according to a few Dermatend reviews. This is true only for people with extreme cases of acrochordons or people prone to scarring. Aside from this, the product could be considered safe because of its all-natural composition, but we’d rather like to see some studies first in order to give the green light.
The company behind this cream understands that skepticism is a normal reaction for their market. Hence, they are offering a 60 day money back guarantee, which is comforting. If the product is ineffective or has not created results in 60 days after purchase, buyers are promised to receive a refund.
Scam or Not?
Unfortunately, like any other effective and credible product, Dermatend scams also exist. Because users can’t easily buy the cream in stores and have to purchase online, some buyers have been easy targets of these scams. Fake websites offering discounts for Dermatend products easily lure buyers, especially when one is not careful to check on the credibility of the website.
So, to avoid this unwanted incident, buyers are encouraged to visit the original website of the company [LINK REMOVED – SITE OFFLINE]. Some buyers try to purchase Dermatend at stores like CVS, Walgreens, Walmart or Amazon, but it is really recommended to purchase from the manufacturers site.
Some Dermatend reviews have asked, “If the cream is so effective, why do most Dermatologists don’t recommend it?” Dermatologists are trained professionals who base their treatment on pure science and until clinical studies are done on the product, no Dermatologist will put their reputation on the line and give a clear recommendation. Neither do we here at the ComforterNetwork, we just recommend to give it a try and see if it works for you, or go with a homeopathic alternative like Revitol.
Wrapping Up
So, wouldn’t it be great to wake up in the morning without those unsightly moles staring back at you in the mirror? Imagine the things you can do without people calling you names, or avoiding you. Imagine the conversations that you can strike with anyone, without them ending up looking at your moles, warts and other skin problems. Imagine the places you can go and the opportunities you can have without those imperfections.
While these mind movies are sure to convey a great feeling and are supported by advertising and the media, it is yet not proven if there are really effective ways to treat moles at home safely and cure them longterm. Home remedies exist and so do over-the-counter products, but results always appear to be mixed: they work for some but not for others.